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get(int) - Method in class rofaapp.ItemOrder
Gets the furniture object of the given index in the ItemOrder.orderList if valid.
getCurrentSize() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemOrder
Current array size.
getDepth() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemDesk
getDiameter() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemTable
getDraws() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemDesk
getFirstAvailable() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemOrder
Gets the index of the first available space within ItemOrder.orderList.
getFreeSpace() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemOrder
Gets the number of free spaces within the ItemOrder.orderList.
getHeight() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemDesk
getIcon() - Method in class rofaapp.Furniture
getId() - Method in class rofaapp.Furniture
getMaxSize() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemOrder
getName() - Method in class rofaapp.Furniture
getName() - Method in class rofaapp.TypeWood
getPrice() - Method in class rofaapp.Furniture
getPrice() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemArmChair
getPrice() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemChair
getPrice() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemDesk
getPrice() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemOrder
Gets the price of all the items within ItemOrder.orderList.
getPrice() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemTableChrome
getPrice() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemTableWood
getPrice() - Method in class rofaapp.TypeWood
getTabValue(Furniture) - Static method in class rofaapp.AddItemWindow
Simple method for giving an instance of furnature and getting back the tab index of the object in the window.
getUnits() - Method in class rofaapp.Furniture
getUnits() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemChair
getUnits() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemDesk
Does nothing.
getUnits() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemTable
getUpdatedOrder() - Method in class rofaapp.AddItemWindow
getWidth() - Method in class rofaapp.ItemDesk
getWood() - Method in class rofaapp.Furniture
gridPanel - Variable in class rofaapp.MainWindow
gridTotalPriceLabel - Variable in class rofaapp.MainWindow
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