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actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class rofaapp.AddItemWindow
Action listener for the buttons shown on the window.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class rofaapp.MainWindow
add(Furniture, int, boolean) - Method in class rofaapp.ItemOrder
Adds an item furniture to the ItemOrder.orderList at the given index.
AddItemWindow - Class in rofaapp
AddItemWindow(int, ItemOrder, TypeWood[]) - Constructor for class rofaapp.AddItemWindow
Constructor used when adding a new item.
AddItemWindow(int, ItemOrder, TypeWood[], int, Furniture) - Constructor for class rofaapp.AddItemWindow
Constructor used when editing an existing item.
armrestsCheckBoxChair - Variable in class rofaapp.AddItemWindow
arraySize - Variable in class rofaapp.ItemOrder
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